On Ski
You can enjoy downhill skiing directly in town Bedřichov in areal Malinovka or four kilometres away Severák. Respectively at Tanvald’s Špičák. Actual info about snow levels and camera views can be accessed here.
Bedřichov is also paradise of cross-country skiers and biggest attraction is understandably Jizerska magistrála (track), network of more than 200 kilometres of mindfully cared tracks. Complete information about particular track including races can be obtained:
On Bicycle
Jizerská highway, where cross-country skiers enjoy in winter, in summer is suited for enthusiastic cyclists. Several cyclo-circuits start at Bedřichov.
In Liberec is located the oldest Zoo in Czech Republic, which at the moment belongs to the best. Furthermore you can visit well-known botanical garden. Among favourite destinations also ranks aquapark Centrum Babylon and Luna park and IQ-park. Trip to Liberec can be enriched by shopping or cinema visit.
Jablonec nad Nisou
You can head to nearby Jablonec. This charming city offers winter stadium and urban swimming pool with all sort of attractions. You can pay a visit to Česká mincovna In the inner city and beloved Museum of glass and bijouterie. “Jablonec’s sea’ is a nickname for dam Mšeno, where in the Summer leisure time is eagerly spent. It is painted with sand beaches and equipped by sport’s and children’s playground. On the other hand in the Winter you can go for ice-skating.
We recommend to go for a tour and see the star of Jizera mountains Ještěd. Cableway can take you at the very top or you can witness the beauty during track by foot of your choice. In the Winter you can immerse yourself in the skiing with wide views to the surroundings.
Josefův Důl
Besides a museum of local history attracts tourists also nearby dam, the biggest of Jizera mountains. Variety of tracks can be used for great cycling trip, trip by foot or even in-line skating. A bit further in Jiřetín pod Bukovou resides museum of toy manufacturing, where children can make their own toy at creative workshops.
Just a little bit from the cabin Pod Maliníkem…
Do you have mood for a peaceful walk? In the nearest surroundings we recommend to pay a visit to lookout tower Královka, Šamalova cabin, Prezident’s cabin or vrch Maliník just above our pension, where is located cabin Weberovka.
Further tips for trips can be recommended at infocentre at Bedřichov.
Since 300Kč/night (12eur)
Cabin Pod Maliníkem
By the hotel Jelínek in Bedřichov turn into “No Entry”, for rezidents and guests entry is allowed.
Petra Baťhová
tel. +420 778 447 878